Hi, my name is Javier Bueno López
MID Full Stack Developer.

My projects

About Me

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Full Stack MID developer with more than two years of experience. Computer engineering graduate with IT specialized. Besides I have a master's degree in Cibersecurity.

I prefer backend development, but I also have experience in frontend development. Additionally, I am intersested in DevOps and Cibersecurity.

I am currently specialized in Ruby on Rails and Aurelia, although I am also working on several personal projects with other technologies (Python, NodeJS, Java, Kotlin, Typescript, etc).

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SWADroid is an Android application that allows you to manage your student account from the University of Granada. I made a new feature that allows to the users knows the indoor location of the teachers in the university.

It works using a REST API that I developed in Flask and a database in MongoDB. The android application make resquests to the API and show the information in a map.


Microservice to recommend music based on parameters

Huge project with the following technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Docker, AppEngine, GCloud, AWS, Vagrant, Ansible, etc.

Team Maker

Team Maker is a web application that allows you to create teams of a certain number of people. The user will enter the number of people and the application will make the teams applying a clasification algorithm based in the Elo rating system.


Have something for me to build?

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